Bath and whirlpool surrounds – TOP

The TOP product group contains everything needed for the simple, fast and clean cladding of bath tubs and whirlpools: prefabricated bathtub cladding in various sizes and designs, removable whirlpool claddings as made to measure products and matching mounting material.

Cladding for bath tubs


TOP-TR... is a cladding for standard steel and plastic bath tubs.

Cladding for whirlpools


TOP-WP is a completely removable cladding for whirlpools.

Inspection options and mounting aids


Two inspection techniques are available to choose from for maintenance and repair for all TOP-TR… design variants:


Individual, special manufacture for each product group

In addition to standard products, also individually tailored and specially
manufactured products are available under the designation ‘PLUS‘.

Sizes, shapes, thicknesses etc., that deviate from standard features can be
inquired from LUX ELEMENTS. After successful verification of implementation
possibility at LUX ELEMENTS an appropriate offer will be prepared. Once an
order is placed, it will be manufactured and delivered accordingly.

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